Top 5 Vocational courses for next generation

The importance of choosing the right career path in our life is extremely important,as our entire future revolves around this one decision. After experiencing an unprecedented global pandemic, people’s perception about their educational path has completely changed. Their tendency of pursuing a 4-year degree course has considerably declined amidst an ever-changing environment marked by virtual classrooms, economic upheavals and cost of higher education. Students graduating from high schools these days raise concerns about graduating from universities either with a high amount of debt or not getting a job after they graduate or not being skilled enough for the job market. Majority of the next generation students believe in a skill-based education in today’s world, and agree that a program must be completed in a shorter period of time. Considering these situations, the demand for vocational courses is on the rise for all the right reasons. A vocational course can help a student kick-start a career in a specific job sector   

What is a vocational course?

A vocational course is also widely known as a technical Education. It aims at enhancing employability and field-specific skills. These courses are more practical based rather than theoretical or scholastic sessions. Students who are willing to gain specific skill-set or employers who wish to upskill their existing workforce opt for vocational training courses. Looking at the recent developments which have set new trends, here are top 5 in-demand and high-paying vocational training courses. 

  1. Data Scientist: As the name suggests, a data scientist helps companies collect, organise and analyse the data to make better decisions for their business. It is a highly technical job, which deals with algorithms, analytics, and data, where experiments are conducted to gather statistics and provide ways to optimise results. 
  1. Blockchain Engineer: Blockchain is an emerging technology for recording information in a way it is impossible to manipulate it. Blockchain Engineers work in creating, implementing and analysing digital blockchain for an enterprise. This profession is currently highly in-demand with a significant growth rate in salaries. Blockchain engineers are usually absorbed in areas such as cryptocurrencies, financial services. 
  1. Digital Marketing Specialist: It’s a relatively new marketing field but it is an absolute need of the hour. As social media has taken over our lives, digital marketing does seem to be a promising field to pursue a career. Digital content is constantly evolving, where companies are strategizing and ensuring high revenues through that. It’s marketing in the virtual world.
  1. Project Management: A project manager is responsible for the planning, execution and completion of a given objective. A project needs an outline of the plan, budget allocation, team and a timeline. This field of course is quite versatile, wherein every company requires a project manager whether IT, Architecture, healthcare etc. 
  1. Content Strategist: Creating relevant content is the key to creating an excellent digital presence. Blogs, posts, articles, tweets, videos etc. are all the tools, which come in play in content strategy. For example, if a business needs to pull its customers, a content strategist would use different platforms to fulfil the requirement. The content strategist has to promote the company’s objectives right from creating, editing, publishing. It involves creative use of space to reap the attention of the user and adds value to the business. 

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